Pedro serán
Sobre Ananda Mandira puedo decir:
Que Sofi, mi profesora y directora del centro me hizo cambiar mi forma de vida, llevándome a una forma nueva de afrontar el día día con una tranquilidad y paz espiritual que antes de conocerla no tenia. Es mi verdadera GUÍA y espero tenerla siempre.
– Respecto al centro decir que solo he conocido dos más en Madrid y si tengo que hacer una comparación de Ananda Mandira y ellos Gana un diez contra un cinco.
Tenemos lo mejor
Paloma Rivaya Méndez
Cuando quiero bucear en el infinito Sofi con sus sesiones instrumentales me dirige al el! De una forma muy amorosa y dulce. Puedo llegar a un estado que es bastante complicado de otra manera.
Ella va guiando la sesión según va sintiendo …. MÁGICOS momentos ❤
Simona Rychtecky williams
I have moved to San Pedro de Alcantara only six months ago. As I’m a very regular practitioner of yoga, I immediately looked for classes and yoga studios that could correspond to my wishes. The most important one was to find a studio where there was a strong philosophy of yoga and its traditions, the second one was a place where I could be totally myself, never judged and in peace. In fact I was searching for authenticity. I must admit that I tried several ones around Marbella before knowing Anandamandira. Since then, I have never had any thought to change. I found my place! A place of peace, serenity and kindness.
I practice with Sofi who is the owner of the studio and her classes bring me everything I need, and more! Yoga practice soft or strong, depending the days, breathing exercises, relaxation and what I particularly love is the use of instruments at the end of the class and her beautiful voice when she chants. Moreover her classes are never the same, it is always a surprise that I appreciate! After the class, I feel self-centered, regenerated and happy!
Thanks to her and her dedication to yoga and to all she organizes for us. We are really lucky!